  • 运动生理学家
  • 体育指导员
  • 心脏康复专家
  • 健身顾问
  • 按摩师
  • 医疗助理
  • 整形技术人员
  • 私人教练
  • 康乐及体育总监



Are interested in improving the heath and wellness of others through exercise and wellness programs.



为你进入公司做准备的专业, 临床和社区环境, 关注健康和幸福.



  • 健身教练
  • 教练
  • 活动专家
  • 运动治疗师
  • 健身中心经理


The ES major is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in any of the four health-fitness settings: commercial, 社区, 企业还是临床. Completion of the ES major may act as a stepping stone to prepare the exceptional student for graduate education in exercise physiology/science, 心脏康复, 物理治疗, 职业治疗, 运动医学, 生物力学或其他相关健康学科.

The ES major includes everything from the study of physical activity and the associated acute and chronic physiological responses and adaptations resulting from it, to health-fitness business management principles found in facilities worldwide. Students are strongly encouraged to select a minor in business or other appropriate area depending on their interests. 在四年的课程中有几门实地经验课程, as well as a capstone experience involving a semester-long internship required at the end of the ES major, afford students the opportunity to select an area of specialization in the field at sites available throughout the country.


Students in the exercise science program at NDSU engage in both didactic and experiential learning. 学生将获得几个领域的知识, 包括解剖学, 运动机能学, 生物力学, 行为矫正, 运动生理学, 心血管和阻力训练, 锻炼测试和评估.

Students graduating with an exercise science bachelor’s degree should be able to:

  • Properly determine and implement appropriate screening and assessment protocols for cardiovascular, 肌肉力量, 肌肉耐力, 灵活性, 身体成分分析.
  • Determine and implement safe and effective exercise programs for all components of health-related fitness for various populations including, 但不限于, 心血管疾病患者, 肺, 代谢, 整形, 肌肉骨骼疾病.
  • Optimize exercise adoption and adherence through a variety of a professional skills including effective communication and motivational strategies.
  • 全面的风险管理, 伤害预防, 以及健康和健身场所的应急计划.


下面的列表并非包罗万象, but does identify some of the most common career and job opportunities in the four health-fitness settings. Exercise science graduates from NDSU (approximately 40 to 50 per year) are employed in these different settings across the country, 尤其是在大都市地区. 在过去的几年里, over 90% of exercise science students have either been enrolled in 研究生院 or have a professional job arranged at the time of graduation.

商业环境营利性企业提供的就业机会最多, 商业经营的健身设施. The commercial environment is for someone interested in the marketing and sales of health-fitness services and products. This is also a good place for broad exposure to management in the health-fitness industry.

社区设置许多组织和机构在社区环境中为客户服务, 包括自愿, 非营利性实体, 还有公园和娱乐机构, 学校和大学, 酒店, 乡村俱乐部和住宅健康健身项目. Many 社区-based facilities and programs offer exposure to health-fitness programming coupled with a social and recreational focus.

公司环境In-house health-fitness facilities and services found in large and small-scale businesses are expanding rapidly. The objectives of these facilities may include reductions in employee absenteeism, 离职率和保健费用, 在改善员工健康的同时, 工作场所的士气和热情.

临床Hospital-based health-fitness facilities can be found in one out of every four 医院, with a forecasted growth to almost one out of every two 医院 expected within the next decade. Most of these facilities are closely associated with outpatient services, 比如物理治疗, 运动医学和心脏康复, 并且经常在同一设施中提供这两种类型的项目.

只有本科学历,没有工作经验, 起薪平均为38美元,000 to $48,000元/年. 然而, the starting salary for health-fitness professionals is difficult to predict because of such factors as experience, 地理位置, 就业设置和市场需求. 它也可能取决于许可证和认证. 更高的学位可能薪水更高.


入学 to the pre-exercise science emphasis in ES occurs when the student applies to NDSU and declares an ES major. The pre-exercise science emphasis encompasses the first three semesters; transfer students are placed in the pre-exercise science emphasis upon acceptance. Entrance into the full status emphasis occurs through application at the end of the first semester of sophomore year or as transfer students complete the requirements below. The following requirements must be met before beginning the full status course of study:

  1. 顺利完成课程,成绩达到B或以上;
    1. 生物220/220
    2. 化学121/121L
    3. 接下来的170年
    4. 数学103,104或更高
  2. 最低平均绩点为3.0
  3. 完成申请至满额状态

Application guidelines are provided during classes (接下来的170年) and advising sessions, 也可以在系里的网站上找到.


在高中的时候, a student should choose courses that provide a solid background in science, 数学, 商务与沟通. Individual commitment to lifetime fitness and personal health and well‑being is very important. Volunteer work at a health-fitness facility and participation in local health fairs may provide valuable experiences in health-fitness programming.